Ready to join the next big wave?

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  • Registration

    Participants sign up for The Hachi Shochu Cocktail Competition 2024 by providing necessary details and completing registration forms.

  • Admission

    Organisers review registrations and admit qualified participants into the competition. Upon confirmation of your participation, attendance at one of the Masterclasses is mandatory.

  • Commencement of Competition

    The competition officially begins, and participants are briefed on rules, guidelines, and timelines.

  • Evaluation & Selection

    Judges evaluate participants' performances based on predefined criteria either at their venue or a venue of their choosing to taste the cocktails at a pre-agreed date/time, selecting the top 10 contenders.

  • Semi-Final

    Selected participants compete in semi-final rounds, showcasing their skills or talents to advance to the next stage. Judges will evaluate the taste/flavour of cocktails, creativity, presentation, overall hospitality, knowledge of Shochu as a category, and the brand itself.

    Three semi-finalists will be chosen to represent Singapore.

  • Grand Finale

    Three semi-finalists from Hong Kong and three from Singapore will travel to Kagoshima, Japan. The sponsored trip by MIZUNARA includes flights, accommodation, and visits to Shochu distilleries and bars over three days and two nights.

    The finals will take place on the last evening of the trip at a venue in Kagoshima.

Grand Prize

Winner shall receive a cash award of $10,000 HKD or the equivalent in SGD. The Winner shall have the Option to be appointed as The Hachi Shochu Ambassador under commercial terms to be mutually agreed after completion of the Competition.

All Semi-Finalists shall also be given an opportunity to promote the Shochu Category of spirits at mutually agreed commercial terms.

For Competition Arrangement & Enquiries

Please don't hesitate to share any concerns or interests you may have, and we will promptly reach out to provide additional information.

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sat - Sun • Closed